Aug 21, 2010

Anti-Gay Gillard and Anti-Gay Abbott both lose the election. Greens hold balance of power.

Behind all of the arrogance, I thought i'd explain why I dislike . She is anti gay. She is pro internet censorship.

Turning to the first point only tonight, I know that personally, Julia probably does want to see Marriage Equality. But her personal view does not matter in this case. Each and every time on national television where she has repeatedly said "The Marriage Act is a special union" that needs to be "respected" as "a higher status" for heterosexual couples "to the exclusion of all others -- it makes me want to smack her in the face.

Yes, she is toeing the party line. Yes, she is trying to get elected. Yes, she probably wants to help marriage but... she won't. This woman is hands down a backstabbing liar. She's thrown the entire homosexual community under the bus in hopes of savoring enough of the right wing christian votes necessary for her to gain a career. She is fuelling homophobia and enforcing a moral and religious view on all australian citizens.

I don't like it one bit. "We need to respect that Australia is a christian nation, and therefore we need to respect that the Marriage Act as it stands has a special meaning for Australia." What she is saying is that it is okay to respect antiquated prejudices and that it is okay to respect religious hatred and mob rule from one section of society to another.

What about Tony Abbott you say? Well. It's true. He doesn't support same-sex marriage -proper. But he has been on the radio telling audiences he is "open" to same-sex civil unions nationwide. He hasn't defended the Marriage Act, merely to say that he doesn't "think" it could be changed under his government. This is strange coming from a Catholic family man. You would expect at least, Julia and Tony's attitudes towards same-sex marriage rights to be in the reverse. But they're not.

If a progressive, unmarried redhead atheist with no children thinks that "christian" heritage is enough to deny equal rights, there is something wrong. Especially when the conservative catholic opposition leader is only defacto against the word "marriage" and has not tried to defend it with as much loathe and vigor that she has.

Julia Gillard is a patsy for a party that I would otherwise support save for their shocking treatment of same-sex couples. In twenty years or less, people will look back and wonder why in 2010 Julia Gillard was so cold, and uncaring.

Politicans never change. They're like chameleons,.... always a lizard.

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