Aug 11, 2010

A letter i sent to the politician that said "gay marriage" is like child abuse

Hi  My name is Morgan and I was raised by a single grandmother. My mother was sick at my birth & died when I was four. My father didn't want me, so the only other option was for a 52 year old grandmother to take it upon herself to "adopt" me as her own child and raise me. Just a few years past your age now, actually so you can imagine how much sacrifice she had to go through.

I spent so many years of my childhood extremely jealous every single day I would hear other kids talk about having a "mother" and a "father".

It would further be magnified when I'd go over to play dates. I would watch unreservedly, the nuclear family secretly feeling completely stripped of having a normal family life.

I watched from the shadows how other families interacted with each-other in a normal way, and felt slightly empty and definitely mad that when going home I was stuck with one ancient parent who i felt like I couldn't talk to about real-life issues.


I think that having grown up with one parent instead of two that, my views carry a bit more weight than yours. You grew up around a normal family, I assume. I didn't.

For this reason I unreservedly support same-sex marriage and same-sex parenting, and i'll explain why.

Looking back, it would not have mattered whether my friends had two mums, two dads, or a mum and a dad. I wasn't jealous of the gender binary's. The fact that two parents had separate sets of genitals played no part.

I was jealous of the fact that other people had two loving parents, in a family where responsibilities, ideas, and activities were shared between two adults and a set of children. I was jealous of the fact that, their parents worked together to create an amazing life for their kids, so jealous that they had "real" people who had jobs, and a sense of humor taking care of them. For me? My grandmother was unemployed throughout, quite depressed and a constant sour fruit.

You wanna know why your comments upset me so much? Because i look at the damage my heterosexual parents did to me by having unprotected sex, carrying through the pregnancy even while my mother was suicidal the whole time, and then dumping me like a piece of trash not even wanted. You have no idea how it feels to have grown up in a family where I was always made indirectly aware that every day I was just a "responsibility" that popped out of a straight woman's body shortly before she caved to the world.

If i had a choice, Wendy. I would choose a same-sex couple. I WOULD CHOOSE A SAME-SEX COUPLE BECAUSE AT LEAST HOMOSEXUAL PEOPLE CARE ENOUGH TO WANT TO TRY SO HARD TO GAIN RIGHTS AND HAVE CHILDREN. My heterosexual parents are a fucking disgrace. They've ruined me, they should not have had me, but they did. They did because people like YOU tell heterosexual people that they are somehow "privileged" and somehow "better", "more capable", more "natural" as parents. So they make the decision on a whim, having put no real thought into the complexities of raising children.

So what you said in your apology about "how australian's would choose to have a mother and a father," I wouldn't. I would want two stable, happy and loving parents whose main goal was to raise me into a respectable, happy adult.

I didn't get that with my heterosexual parents. I got as much as I could from my fathers mother on her own, but that wasn't enough. Every day is a struggle for me to remain happy, and I posit that had I been raised by two gay dads or two lesbian mums that I would be so much more well adjusted, happy, and have made a considerable amount less mistakes that I have in the past three years since leaving home.

Your views are homophobic, Wendy. They are. They are disgusting, vile, horrible, awful and another hundred emotive words. I very much am disgusted by you, and people like you who say "family first" on one hand, and then give unlimited rights to people who know how to shove a cock into a vagina over possibly better same-sex parents who are actually spending emotions, time, money and energy into wanting to be married, to want to be stable, and to want to give love and compassion to children.

So thank you, Wendy. For making me realize exactly why I believe in equal rights. You really made me think, and it's galvanized my extensive support of gay marriage and gay adoption. You may not have even been swayed by my personal story, but this story is out there now and I'll let it be known. I would have rather been raised by two gay people, had I had the choice before birth.


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